The Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step
Starting the ambulance conversion seems like a daunting task. But just like any big job, if you have a good understanding of where you want to go and then break it down into smaller tasks, eventually you'll get to where you want to be. First and foremost, we want to get our new vehicle insured and on the road. Before we can do that though, we have to decommission it as an ambulance. The State of New Hampshire tells us the following: 266:78-r Vehicle Formerly Used as Ambulance to Having Identifying Features Removed. - Prior to driving on the ways of the state, a vehicle which was formerly used as an ambulance or rescue vehicle but is on longer licensed as an ambulance under RSA-153-A, a person shall remove any siren, red forward and side emergency lights, gold lettering, red cross, caduceus, or other medical insignia, "Keep back 500 feet", "Emergency", "Ambulance", "Rescue", or other lettering or insignia that might cause the vehicle to be mi...